$300 – $500 Corporate Gifts

So you’re looking to make an impression, or buy a great boss or CEO a unique and fun gift? Well you have come to the right place, because there are certainly some unique and fun ideas here for that special corporate guru that you have in mind. We have all had those bosses that rewarded us for our hard work and made us feel good about our productivity and sometimes you want to get them a gift to show your Read More

The Importance of Remembering Birthdays

As fantastic as it would be to have a perfect memory and the ability to instantly remember dates, names, and numbers, for most people it simply is not going to happen. The majority of people are not able to remember many details. This is especially true when it comes to birthdays. Most of us are able to remember the birthdays of close family members and our significant others (hopefully), but when it comes to friends, acquaintances, co-workers, and our boss, Read More