The Vario Crew

The Vario Crew was one of the Mafia groups. It operated in New York City, United States. This group was founded by the Lucchese Mafia Family and worked under the supervision of Capo-regime Paul Vario. It started working in 1950s and continued till 1980s. The territory of Vario Crew spread out to different neighborhoods of Queens, Staten Island, Brooklyn, and Long Island. The members usually were made men and associates of the Italian and Italian-American ethnicity. However the actual number Read More

Employee Dispensability

Nobody is indispensable, my employer always tells me this. In spite of the 22 years that I have worked for the company, including some 20 years of being officer-in-charge and leading the actual personnel management and day-to-day operations, still my boss believes that I am not indispensable. In spite of the fact that it is I who makes orders of stocks-in-trade and keeps track of inventories, negotiates the cost of purchases of commodities and determines the selling prices of these Read More