Bosses Need Gift Of Better Meeting Leadership

Studies show millions of meetings are held each day in the United States and that thousands of dollars are spent per meeting hour where the meetings include multiple executives as attendees. Are all these meetings a business investment or a waste of time? Sadly many of those same studies indicate the managers attending the meetings felt up to half their time investment was wasted. If meetings are important enough to hold, then why don’t the bosses of the organization insist Read More

How to Seduce a Colleague (Or Your Boss!) And Make Her Sleep With You – With Office Seduction Tricks

Ah, the thrill of office romance! But how do you tie down a career-minded woman? If you are after your female boss, be prepared for a rough ride. For starters, she’ll be a little more hesitant to sleep with anyone she works with – especially a subordinate, because, let’s face it: there’s a good chance he’ll just be using her to get ahead in the workplace. However, with what I am about to share with you, she won’t be able Read More