Is Alcohol Bad For the Brain?

Alcohol will cause speech to be slurred, vision to be blurred, reaction times to be slower and memory to be impaired. Depending on whether a person is drinking on an empty stomach and how quickly they consume the alcohol, these affects can sometimes be apparent after only one or two drinks. How often a person drinks, when they first began drinking, their gender and size and whether there is a family history of alcohol will all determine what the effects Read More

Brain Tumor – There is A Cure

To a layman, brain tumor is basically cancer of the brain. Medulloblastoma, ependymoma, glioma, teratoma, atypical teratoid rhadoid tumor, etc, are names associated with different types of brain tumor. In simple terms, brain tumor is no more than uncontrolled growth of cells forming a lump in the brain. Just like any other form of cancers, brain tumor can spread and proliferate to any other parts of the body. Even before the brain tumor proliferates, or metastasize as a medical doctor or Read More