Brain Tumor Symptoms and Treatments

A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of tissue in the brain or central spine, that is responsible for proper brain functionality. Doctors refer to a problem based on where the tumor cells originated, and whether they are cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous (Benign) Benign-The least aggressive of the tumor is benign tumor. They originate from cells within or surrounding the brain, do not contain cancer cells, grow slowly, and typically have clear borders. Malignant- Malignant type contains cancer cells and Read More

Successful Collaboration and Our Brain – What Do We Need To Know? Part 1

Understanding how your brain works to help or hinder the collaborative process is fundamental to any successful co-creative meeting or discussion. Recent scientific discoveries give us clues about how to access collaborative thinking. You can use this information to better understand how to create the conditions that will maximize access to higher brain abilities and minimize the chances of an amygdala “fight or flight” takeover. What’s the difference? Collaborative activities require the use of your prefrontal cortex (PFC), the part Read More