Hacking Your Brain-The Make-Believe World of Placebos

Belief is a powerful drug. It is a drug that works best at the deepest levels of the human mind,affecting it both consciously and subconsciously.Belief,as a drug works, when human beings perceive it to stem from something authentic. The critical word here is ‘perceive’, since for human beings perception is reality. Frankly perception is all that matters really. It doesn’t really matter what the facts are but beliefs in the potency of a weird tasting energy drink,military flags and uniforms,homeopathy,a Read More

Brain Tumor Cancer Types And Treatment Options

Brain cancer is a disease in which particular cells in the brain grow and form a mass that interferes with the general functioning of the brain like muscle control, sensation, memory and such other functions that help you control your body. Tumors that are made up of cancerous cells grow and spread to other parts of the brain. These are called malignant tumors. Those tumors that are non cancerous, do not spread and are basically localized. These are called benign Read More