What to Look For When Researching Bed and Breakfasts

Let me start by saying that I design websites for bed and breakfast providers. I have been inside many establishments, photographed them from all angles, sampled the food, experienced the difficulty of finding them if they are off the beaten track and spent time with their owners. Sometimes I’ve felt like The Hotel Inspector. Sometimes I’ve buttoned my lip and said nothing, sometimes I’ve politely voiced my concerns. If I’ve spotted something amiss it’s a pretty certain bet that guests Read More

Paneer & Potato Rosti – A Must Try Breakfast Recipe

Potato recipes are always energizing and fulfilling. Potatoes are full are carbs, and when combined with cottage cheese, the dish is rich in proteins as well, making it highly nutritious while being equally delightful. Rosti is a recipe from Switzerland, and it’s very similar to patties or cutlets. You are going to simply adore this recipe for Paneer and Potato Rosti. This makes a perfect breakfast, or you could have it for supper. Rosti is fine enough to be served Read More