5 Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast will improve blood sugar levels, boost the metabolism and reduce the desire to binge on snack foods throughout the day. Studies now prove, people who eat a healthy breakfast are slimmer than those who skip breakfast. Below are 5 health breakfast ideas that you can begin using today: 1. Super-Fast Omelet: Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 ounces of diced turkey bacon and ¾ cup of chopped spinach. Method: Whisk Read More

Delicious High-Protein Breakfast Recipes for Vegetarians

Since meat, which is high in protein, is off the table for vegetarians, they must find other sources of the essential nutrient. Fortunately, nature has provided many other excellent sources of protein for those who choose not to consume meat. You don’t have to be a vegetarian to eat an all-vegetable dish – sometimes you’re just in the mood for a power meal minus the meat. Try these high-protein breakfast recipes for vegetarians: Green Chile and Cheese Frittata What you Read More