Big Mama’s Breakfast Skillet Delights

Big Mama loved making breakfast. As a youngster, we always had a big breakfast on weekends since we had more time to eat and hold family talks at the table. It was also a good time for Big Mama to try her new creations. These two recipes were among her favorites to prepare. Whenever she made them, we always knew we were in for a real treat. Her skillet delight recipe always turned out just right. Big Mama’s Southern Skillet Read More

Breakfast Pillar Article

Ingredients -12 Tortillas. The sizes of the tortilla can vary between brand and manufacturer. In general, the larger the tortilla, the easier it is to wrap and handle. I highly recommend recommend purchasing a size that falls in the ten to twelve inch range. Anything smaller than this will not properly wrap, forcing you to lessen the filling portion. When it comes to bread variant, make sure to purchase something on the healthy side. I suggest getting whole wheat flour Read More