Acid Reflux Diet And Breakfast

Acid reflux diet and breakfast is a dilemma for a number of reasons. With the frequency that people have reflux problems through the night while they are sleeping, chances are they are waking up with heartburn. And in that case, they are more likely to go eat antacids for breakfast, than they are food that is going to make them feel worse. However, breakfast is also the most important meal of the day. Breakfast helps stabilize your blood sugar levels Read More

Why Teens Need Breakfast

Teens and breakfast don’t seem to go together, that’s why you should understand why teens need breakfast. As a teacher and tutor I am appalled at the number of teenagers who don’t eat breakfast. Worse, there are some who don’t even eat lunch. During school their energy is so low they have trouble staying awake and thinking. Either they are not sharing this information or parents are so busy they are not aware of their teen’s poor eating habits. Feeding Read More