Quality Over Quantity for Breakfast

There’s a piece of advice when it comes to eating that goes like this: ‘Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper.’ This quote can be attributed to the late Adelle Davis, an American author and nutritionist. Obviously, it talks about the amount of food we should eat at certain times of the day. And eating ‘breakfast like a king’ means we should consume more food during breakfast compared to what to we have Read More

Apple-Oatmeal Breakfast Cookies

I come from a family of cookie fans. The members of my family like all kinds of cookies and, consequently, I make dozens of flavors. Like many Americans, chocolate chip cookies are a favorite. Runner-up favorites include double chocolate chip, gingersnaps, spritz, almond, and oatmeal cookies. One problem for me is that I’m not a fan of raisins. I don’t want raisins invading my oatmeal cookies. Coconut, chocolate chips, and dried cranberries are fine. Breakfast cookies are a relatively new Read More