4 Qualities of a Good Bed and Breakfast

Checking into a bed breakfast is not just about having a place to stay for the night. There are various aspects that make your stay worthwhile. Here are 4 quality you should look for in such an inn. 1. Originality A bed and breakfast is normally more expensive than a travel hotel or a budget inn but for a good reason. People are willing to pay more because a bed and breakfast is able to offer something unique, something that Read More

Breakfast – Continental, English, What’s The Difference

Breakfast is considered by many food experts to be a most important meal of the day. It should be well-designed to provide you with nutrients so that your body and brain have all what they need to function at their best. This is also very important during your vacations, especially those involving a lot of sightseeing and walking around – there is no excuse for skipping breakfast! A trip to London will be one of those when you will be Read More