Running A Bed And Breakfast – 6 Tips For Innkeepers

Running a bed and breakfast may seem like the perfect career for some people. But owning a B&B is not a dream job, it’s a business that needs to be run professionally. If you are not a people person or dedicated to run a B&B 24/7, then you may end up feeling like you are in a nightmare instead of a nice pleasant dream. Here are some guidelines that can help you be a better innkeeper. Hopefully they will also Read More

Start Your Day With Low Carb Breakfast and Low Fat Breakfast Recipes

Do you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? You need to have a healthy breakfast to start off the day. Here are a couple of low-carb breakfast and low-fat breakfast recipes that you could easily make for your family and kids. Yogurt with Toasted Almonds and Jam Serves 4 Preparation time: 5 minutes Exchanges/choices 1 fat free milk 1 Carbohydrate 1 fat Calories 195 Total Fat 4.5g Cholesterol 15mg Sodium 160mg Total Carbohydrate 26g Protein Read More