RC Nitro Cars: Introduction

Seeing a nitro RC car in motion is a beautiful assault on the senses due to its splendid speed and the ground shaking hum of its engine. This guide is meant to provide a brief overview so that you can get to racing as quickly as possible. Overview Nitro RC cars are hobbyist grade RC cars powered by nitro-methane fuel which sounds a lot more technical than it actually is. To aim for simplicity, let us call the fuel, nitro Read More

Reduced Your Carbon Footprints With Hybrid, Electric And Green Cars

We all know that cars make transportation life easier for many of us. However, cars emit carbon dioxide, which pollutes the very air that we breathe. In fact, in a recent survey, cars top as the major polluter in the world. With that said, we can still enjoy the convenience that motor vehicles provide us in a slight different way with the introduction of the so-called “green cars” or “environmental-friendly cars”. These car types make use of sustainable fuel resources, Read More