Car Liquidation – What It Can Mean For You

There are two types of car liquidation: voluntary and compulsory. A voluntary liquidation is when a car dealership agrees to have their cars sold at a liquidation auction. There are several reasons why a voluntary car liquidation auction would take place. For one, if a business is struggling they may choose to auction off their merchandise early enough that they will be able to pay their debts before things get out of hand. An individual that owes for a vehicle Read More

Small Used Cars Are Hot

The demand for smaller used cars is extremely high which is not the norm. Most people go for the larger used vehicles that tend to be considered safer with lower auto insurance rates. However, this is not the case for the current market. It is not too surprising to experts, though. They compare this increase in small, used car sales to the summer of 2008 when gas prices skyrocketed. Sounds familiar to summer 2018 right? The consequences of this change Read More