Can’t Control Your Children? Learn Conversational Hypnosis

If you are experiencing trouble controlling your disobedient children, and your patience is stretched to breaking point, you need to know about conversational hypnosis. This lesser known form of hypnosis will help you regain the balance and ensure your children listen and obey you as they should. Is Conversational Hypnosis Illegal? No – far from it. Conversational hypnosis is a legal form of mind control – which can produce amazing results when practiced correctly. Essentially conversational hypnosis allow users to Read More

To Save Our Children, It’s Not Just About Gun Laws

This year alone, more than 30 people have been killed, and more than 40 have been injured in school shootings. How many more innocent school children will die before we solve this complex problem? Is there a possible solution to this tragic problem? After each shooting, there is a flood of talk about changing gun laws, but only the death rate changes. It’s true that guns and rifles don’t kill people. Psychotic people using guns and rifles murder countless students. Read More