4 Ways to Raise Optimistic Children

It feels extra challenging to be optimistic these days, or maybe it’s always been this way, but everywhere we turn someone is suffering, fighting or hurting someone else. Even if it’s something as simple as a hurtful comment on social media, a case of road rage on your morning commute, or fear-mongering by a local news outlet, your children are often witnessing these moments in time and observing the reaction of their parents. It’s easy to get sucked into the Read More

Tips to Teach Your Children to Save Water

Water is a necessity for survival. Considering the rapidly growing population and the fact that water is a limited resource on this planet, it has become more important than ever that children understand the significance of water conservation from an early age. Teaching children to save water at a young age will not only help you save on your utility bills but it will also foster an interest and concern in your children towards the planet. That said, here are Read More