The Basics on Becoming an Online Merchant

Online selling is on the rise because of the changing shopping habits of today’s consumers, those under 30 years old who were either entering into their teens or have just graduated from college when the Internet bloomed in the mid-90’s. This is the generation who spend most of their time reading and sending Twitpics, shout-outs, reposts or jejespeak on their FB, Flickr, tumblr, and Blogspot pages, in their desire to be visible and look cool on the Internet (now broadband Read More

The State of E-Commerce in the Developing Nations

The use of the Internet is growing at a high speed worldwide. According to the Internet world stats website the worldwide penetration rates of the Internet is 25.6% in 2009. Under developed nations of Africa, Asia and Latin America are also showing high growth rates in Internet usage. Between the year 2000-2009, Africa shows 1,392.4 %, while Asia and Latin America show 545.9% and 890.8% growth rates respectively. This fast growth rate in Internet usage in the developing countries affects Read More