Why Bother To Import From China?

From recent statistics, the richest government in the world is China with an estimated national reserve of $2,454,300,000,000. Yes, that is in trillions and this is what China is worth now. With the opening up of the economy during Deng Xiau Peng’s leadership from a Communist state, China has grown by leaps and bounds to become the economic superpower in this era. It has overtaken Japan to be the number two biggest economic power broker in the world. Hence, it Read More

What’s Being Shipped Out of China?

We think you’ll agree that logistics and shipment volume play a vital role in the success of an eCommerce business. Both measure the health of one’s business as well as the economic growth of a country; the more shipments, the better economy. Delivery services vary in cost from one country to another, but they share one common goal – to deliver the goods as fast as possible. However, if a country has been consistently shipping an overwhelming amount of parcels, Read More