How to Know Whether Your Polo Clothing Is Authentic

When shopping for polo clothing it is very important to consider the issue of authenticity. In the case of polos the price tag for luxury brands of this article of clothing can be quite high. A savvy shopper should keep this in mind when shopping for these items. For example, luxury brands can carry a price-tag of up to 300 euros. Other famous polo brands like Ralph Lauren, Fred Perry, and Lacoste are also more expensive for polos then for Read More

Harnessing Robots For The Future Of Retail

It may take Western retailers a while to feel the pressure of implementing the use of robots and automated distribution centres, but their Chinese counterparts are already taking speedy measures to ensure fully automated stores are in place in 10 years’ time.’s big boss Richard Liu said the reason being is that shoppers in China have ever-changing demands, whilst those in America and Europe tend to be more loyal to retailers who provide them satisfactory service. Chinese customers are Read More