Growing Trend of E-Commerce in Pakistan

The rate of internet penetration by the Pakistani community has remarkably exceeded in comparison to the neighboring countries like India and China in recent years. According to a survey conducted in 2009, India was the only country from third-world region with 3G services. It was then just the matter of time that India’s internet penetration rate sky-rocketed. Same is the case with Sri Lanka, the hockey-stick of the same pattern as of India worked. According to a recent survey, it Read More

Far-Eastern Art – Cynical Realism – An Exponent of Contemporary Chinese Artistry

Cynical Realism – The History & Concept The Republic of China saw a major upheaval and a contemporary movement in Chinese Artistry in the beginning of 1990. Since, the Cultural Revolution in China, there existed a beaten path and line for artists. This movement broke away all the shackles of the collective conservative mindset and concentrated on new themes. The artists took a pot shot on socio-political issues and events from the beginning of revolutionary China until date. The new Read More