Your Real Estate Is Ready-Documents Need Your Signature

YOUR REAL ESTATE IS READY -DOCUMENT NEEDS YOUR SIGNATURE Have you ever gone through a real estate transaction? I have, and from what I remember, there’s a lot of paperwork involved, including a credit check. The loan company has to make sure you qualify for a loan. Qualifying involves the company finding out if you have a job, how much you make, how much debt you have, if you pay your bills on time, and on and on. All the Read More

The Plain Truth about Herbert W. Armstrong & the Worldwide Church of God

I think I said earlier that you sounded as if you may be of the WWCG. “A Higher Calling: Quest for the Kingdom of God” mentions how God called me into His Church during the days when Herbert W. Armstrong was courageously teaching the plain truth around the world, announcing the good news of the Wonderful World Tomorrow, the Kingdom of God that will soon be established with the return and reign of Christ.The present WWCG doesn’t claim them as Read More