Life Coaching Certificate – Do You Need One Before You Start Coaching?

If you’re asking this question, the quick answer is no. That’s right. By now you may already realize that there is no central governing board or certification process for life or business coaches. There is no governmental agency that issues licenses. There is no state run accreditation process. Although there are both small and large coaching organizations and associations, there is no official licensing process required before you get started. So, again, the short answer is that you don’t have Read More

Why Hire a Business Coach When Your Company Is Doing Well?

Many business owners might not consider hiring a business coach even when their company is doing bad, why would they think about contracting one when everything goes right and problems seem so far away? First of all, it’s rather impossible for everything to go well, on all levels, in a company. Think about all your company’s departments: marketing, management, sales, administration, services, team and so on. Could you really say that none of these needs a little bit of improvement? Read More