Building Your Reputation As A Software Developer

How’d you like a reputation as an excellent, outstanding developer? To feel other developers on your team looking up to you? To be seen as one of the “star coders” in your organization? If you’d like to be the kind of coder who legitimately deserves this esteem from your colleagues… there are several factors that need to be in place, above and beyond your basic skills developing software. Some of these factors are social, and some are technical. For now, Read More

10 Common Mistakes in APP and Software Localization

Developing software can be challenging, but when localization is also required, there are simple concepts which when incorporated will make localization easier and quick. Here is what needs to be followed: Keep the text and code separate When writing to code, the coder may be tempted to embed the text directly into the code. Ensure that this is avoided as this will cause the software localization experts to have to reread the whole code to determine which text needs to Read More