You Would Never Guess Why This 2014 CPC Certification Study Guide Rocks – A Must See

Passing your CPC certification exam gives you an edge as a medical coder. Aside from having good practical coding experience, getting certified is the next major step for career advancement. Certified medical coders are widely sought after by employers, government organizations, and physician societies. As such, getting certified is a must when pursuing a career in medical coding. Getting certified will make you stand out from the rest and assure employers of your skills, making you more valuable and opening Read More

ED Specific Exception Allows You to Bypass Some HPI Rules

Use these frequently asked questions (FAQs) to reach level 5. A patient reports to the emergency department (ED) in such severe respiratory distress that she can’t communicate during the history of present illness (HPI) portion of the Evaluation/Management service. The patient also presents to the ED alone via ambulance, which means there was no one else to speak for her. How can a medical coder decide on the history level for this emergency department E/M service? Knowing an important exception Read More