Making Joomla Themes Through the Help of Stock Images Or PSD Images

Installing Joomla all by yourself will tell you one thing. And that is there are pre installed themes available for you to use. But you realize later on that these themes aren’t really enough since they look bland, and the feel of the theme may simply not conform to what your website is supposed to embody. Who could blame Joomla? It’s a content management system and not an all in one website designer for crying out loud, besides there’s just Read More

Sample Medical Billing Contract – My Biggest Mistake

When starting a medical billing business there are many things to think about and writing a contract is just one of them. There are many expenses in getting started and most of us just starting out don’t want to spend our limited investment money on an attorney. So what do many of us do? We “google” sample medical billing contract and use what we think sounds good and make up a contract for our business. That can be a big Read More