How Web 2.0 Is Different From Web 1.0 and What Additional Advantages Does It Provide?

There was never a competition between Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 since Web 2.0 was introduced years after Web 1.0 as an online platform’s advanced model. Web 2.0 has many great advantages that Web 1.0 doesn’t possess, making it quite favorable for many companies and businesses. There are many different characteristics of both Web 1.0 and Web 2.0 that separate both of them from each other, and here are some of them to help you differentiate between the two. 1) Read More

Why Brand Your Self – Understanding Brand Marketing

What Is The Purpose Of Personal Branding Why should you personally brand yourself in the market place? Why not just sell various products, and not get branded to your brand or products? Anonymity in the market place will result in less than favorable results. You are missing out on a huge potential of targeted leads and revenue. Branding yourself is one of the first steps in marketing 101. In layman’s terms think of the word “brand” and apply it with Read More