93000 – 93010 – Hone Your ECG Coding Skills With These 3 Key Pointers

Grasping the effects of 93010 on new vs. established patient status could bring a reward of $58. Whether you call them ECGs or EKGs, there are chances you will see a lot of electrocardiograms in your practice. That means that even the smallest coding errors can add up quickly. Brush up on the 93000-93010 basics with this review of the service, the code components, and the role ECGs can play in selecting the right E/M code. Rely on These Codes Read More

Benefits of The G.729 Codec When Using Open Source VoIP With VoIP Wholesale Providers

Many VoIP users have adopted an open source solution such as Asterisk or SIPX to meet their international long distance calling needs. While these open source software packages are cost effective and very good at meeting the feature requirements of most users, they suffer from one major drawback: the inability to use the G.729 low bit rate codec. Codec stands for Coder-Decoder. G.729 is a data compression algorithm (ie. codec) for voice that significantly reduces the bandwidth requirements for a Read More