Is Blogging A Dying Trend?

When blogging first started, it was a chance for anyone to have their say online because they didn’t have to worry about all the tricky aspects of setting up a webpage. While there are still some writers and those with strong opinions who use blogs to exercise their freedom of expression, many more have realized the huge potential of blogs as a chance to earn money online, and as a marketing tool. The free content you post can lead to Read More

Advantages & Disadvantages of Choosing AngularJS Web Development

Angular JS is an open source framework for building web applications. Tech giant Google maintains it. Coders face many issues while developing and testing any code. It resorts many of the challenges which the coders may face. AngularJS mixes HTML codes and app modules to form a framework. Its earlier base was Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture. It was mainly in use for planning rich web applications. But, situation has been on a change since the introduction of the Angular Read More