Review of ‘Invent Your Own Computer Games With Python’ by Al Sweigart

Nowadays, there are few books that serve the function of teaching programming, as well as providing fun, especially for the children. Al’s book serves both. Basically, this book is about creating games with python but it also serves as a ground for ‘breaking the ice’ for those who think that programming is only for the ‘PC geeks’. According to Al, ‘Programming isn’t hard. But it is hard to find learning materials that teach you to do interesting things with programming. Read More

The Importance of Communication in Outsourcing

When outsourcing some people think that it’s as easy as giving the offshore company the requirements and letting them do their thing, and then come back some time later to pick up the finished product. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Outsourcing a project to an offshore company can meet failure due to several reasons, the most common one being lack of communication between the buyer and the seller. Many buyers don’t consider the importance of regular communication on Read More