Developing Website Using CakePHP Framework

Creating a website is a lengthy process, especially if you do not have much of experience in coding and understanding of web layouts. CakePHP is the best application framework that users can learn to develop some really powerful websites without spending a dime on expensive programs. A brief introduction to CakePHP: PHP framework has been recognized as one of the most popular coding frameworks in order to create websites. There have been a lot of positive changes incorporated in the Read More

Do People Pass Their AAPC CPC Exam on the First Try, and How Do They Do It?

If you are taking the AAPC CPC exam, then you will at some point ask yourself this question; do people pass their medical coding certification exam on their first try? And how do they do it? Although official figures are hard to come by, rough estimates suggests that only 40% to 50% of exam-takers pass on their first attempt. The medical coding certification exam is no pushover Make no mistake, the CPC or Certified Professional Coder certification exam is a Read More