The Very Best Chinese Teabags I Have Ever Tasted in the World

I went back to Hong Kong and I discovered something call Luk Yu Tea. It’s on sale everywhere, all the supermarkets, teahouses, fast food stores, offices, you name it. So I was tempted to try it. I mean, I am a tea lover myself and I know quite a lot about Chinese Tea, so I gave it a try, didn’t expect too much. So I bought a box of Luk Yu Chinese Teabags from Hong Kong and I was astonished Read More

The Real Effects Of Alcohol On Your Body – Part 2 Of 2

This is Part 2 of the continuation of the effects of excessive alcohol on your bodybuilding workouts. 4- Decrease in vitamin and mineral absorption When you consume large quantities of alcohol, your liver is busy converting the alcohol to acetate and any vitamins and minerals that it might process are taken up by the detoxification process. Alcohol interferes with the metabolism of most vitamins, and with the absorption of many nutrients. Alcohol stimulates both urinary calcium and magnesium excretion. [13] Read More