Blonde In China

Big Apple to Chrysanthemum City I am a New Yorker who in 2007 had just one goal – not to spend another miserable and freezing winter in Manhattan. The very thought of trying to live through the raw, wet, windy, icy, cold and snowy horror that we call winter was more than I could handle. No, I wouldn’t handle it. I am one of those people who can layer and layer, wear hats, scarves, fur boots and gloves and still Read More

Never Underestimate the Power of Networking!

Over the past few months I have had the opportunity to see that 6 degrees of separation are more likely 2 or 3 in today's business environment! Below are some anecdotal accounts of just how small the world is, and how powerful networking is! A friend of mine is looking to fill a C-level position in Hong Kong, which I proceeded to post it within the IERG networking group (a New York based networking group of C-level execs). The opportunity Read More