Essential Learning Spanish Phrases For Living In Latin America

Today I have 4 essential learning Spanish phrases for living in Latin America to share with you. If you are vacationing in Latin America these phrases may or may not be helpful to know. But if you are living in Latin America, or even if you are not living in Latin America, but have Latino friends or a Spanish-speaking significant other, these phrases are good to know. 1. No te metas en esto – Don't put yourself in this. This Read More

Romantic Words and Phrases in Spanish – For Lovers Only

Today we will learn some romantic words and phrases in Spanish. I had originally planned to write this article the weekend when Colombia celebrated “El Día de Amor y Amistad” (the day of love and friendship). In Colombia, the celebration of “El Día de Amor y Amistad” is kind of like Valentine’s Day in the States. I gave my “novia” (girlfriend) “chocolates” y “rosas.” And a “peluche” (stuffed animal). The “peluche” was a “peluche de Los Pitufos.” Do you know Read More