Teilhard de Chardin

FATHER PIERRE TEILHARD de CHARDIN: He is one of my heroes and an inspiration for all who seek for Peace and Harmony through a 'conspiracy of LOVE'. His 'templates' suggest that one thought perfectly conceived by one man can influence the totality of consciousness or World Mind. I hope he is right, and I try to develop this critical mass of consciousness. I have covered the continuing battle the Catholic Church has with his thought and numerous other things related Read More

England In the Late Middle Ages (1307-1536) by AR Myers

England In The Late Middle Ages (1307-1536) by AR Myers forms the fourth volume of The Pelican History Of England. Now sixty years old, this particular text examines a period of transition, perhaps from the traditional towards the modern, at least in spirit. The author cites the fifteen thirties as the decade beyond which medieval values ​​and assumptions were in terminal decline. The modernity that replaced them was merely incipient, however, and took centuries more to transform English society, but Read More