Manuel Antonio’s Controversial Bar and Restaurant, El Avion

While in Costa Rica not too long ago, I returned to the popular beach resort of Manuel Antonio located on Costa Rica’s Central Pacific Coast. With its verdant jungle clad cliffs, dramatic tropical panoramas and scintillating sunsets, Manuel Antonio is probably the most picturesque and beautiful resort area in all of Costa Rica. Having last visited the resort area in Dec. 1994, Manuel Antonio hasn’t changed that much despite the addition of a number of new hotels, cafes and restaurants. Read More

Saving Cocos Island and Its Marine Ecosystem: An Act of Superior Governance

Though tiny, Cocos Island (12 miles around), is one of the jewels of Costa Rica’s National Parks and a UNESCO designated World Heritage site. It is the only island in the eastern Pacific containing a tropical rain forest. And, in March 2011, an amazing, transformative event occurred. An event of extraordinary governance. On that day, and with a stroke of its president’s pen, Costa Rica took a giant step in sustainable development and preserving marine biodiversity, creating a massive marine Read More