How To Make Perfect Smoothies While On Vacation In Santa Teresa Costa Rica

In November of 2012 I moved to the tropics to manage my friend’s vacation rental villa by the beach in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica. One of the things I was most excited about before arriving was eating all the delicious, succulent, fresh tropical fruits available. Having lived in Maui and Venezuela before, I knew what to expect and was determined to live a healthy lifestyle that involved making sublime smoothies everyday. It was great to get back to a place Read More

Do Costa Ricans Hate Shakira?

Costa Rica is unarguably one of the most peaceful countries on Earth. There’s no army, everyone seems to follow the “pura vida” state of mind and even anti-government protests are handled with utmost politeness by the authorities. Truth be told, few things seem to irk Costa Ricans. Yet all you have to do is mention to someone that Shakira was chosen as the opening act for the new National Stadium and all hell breaks loose. The Colombian superstar was announced Read More