Success Tips From Surviving In The Costa Rican Rain Forest

Recently, Bear Grylls, a survival expert, parachuted into the rain forest of Costa Rica. This is one of the most dangerous jungles in existence. It consists of over 300 square miles described as the most biologically intense place on earth. Ninety four people had to be rescued there last year by the Red Cross. Bear described the purpose of his visit: "My mission is to show you the skills you need to survive the rain forest and find your way Read More

Exchange Rate – Costa Rica Colons and Dollars

How to Ruin an Economy? The short answer to that question is: overvalue the national currency. That is exactly what Costa Rica has been doing for more than two decades. Throughout the years since 1984, under a system of daily mini-devaluations, the dollar exchange rate for the Costa Rica colon was gradually increased. But in most years the domestic rate of inflation exceeded by several percentage points the devaluation rate. In 2006 the Central Bank replaced the mini-devaluations with a Read More