COVID-19 Pandemic: When No Means More Than A No!

The novel Coronavirus pandemic has impacted humans like never before in the history of humankind on earth, because it has affected the vistas of personal choices and personal likes and dislikes of people. Of course, wars including the world wars did and do impact lives, but not to the extent as on the present prolonged crisis. Thanks to the advisories and preventive measures to check the spread of the disease most people have successfully specialized in saying no to so Read More

Coronavirus in Oaxaca – Southern Mexico COVID-19 Pandemic – A Plea on Behalf of The People

Aside from agriculture, the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca relies on tourism for its very existence. Beginning mid-March, 2020, COVID-19 ravaged the state’s economy, as visitors began to depart en masse, and those with reservations for April, May and thereafter, cancelled. Restaurants, bars, mezcalerias, hotels, and virtually all other businesses in the retail and service industries closed their doors, out of fear and caution, and as a consequence of government dictates. We should not necessarily cry for the proprietors of Read More