Impact of COVID-19 on the Indian Insurance Sector

The Indian insurance sector is in general well equipped for key loss incidents, including pandemics; however, the financial implications will take time to take part in and will be insurer explicit. Insurers are acting in response to the expanding COVID-19 outbreak on numerous fronts-as claims payers, owners, and investment executives. Each has it’s own discrete confront, not just for the insurance industry, nevertheless for the global economy and the public at large. A year which could have been an astounding Read More

Brand Marketing During Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

How to Position Your Brand Messaging During COVID-19 When I say the word “brand,” what comes to mind? A corporate giant like Amazon, or the colours of a company’s logo? Actually, brands are much more than just a visual representation, tagline, jingle or website; and it’s not just something that only the “big guys” should pay attention to. Your branding represents the total experience of working with you. From your website colours, to your core values, to the customer service Read More