The Impact Of COVID-19 On Search Trends And SEO

For the last two months, the whole SEO community has been talking about the latest COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and its impact on organic traffic and performance. It has been seen that there has been a significant dip in the organic performance of websites across different verticals. And at the same time, there are also many verticals where a notable rise in organic traffic is observed. There are various new Search Engines Results Page (SERP) features that one can see emerging Read More

Combating Mental Health And Becoming COVID-Immune – Three Compelling Scriptures

If mental well-being is to flourish healthily, maximally and spiritually, particularly depression during COVID, then our mental paradigms need adapting to incorporate deeper levels of pure mental silence: awareness which facilitates disease-free consciousness and purifying transcendence. Humanity has evolved beyond ‘copy n paste’ religious belief systems, replaced now with mature independent thinking — integrated souls functioning through spiritually evolved intellects — a level of cosmic consciousness through which the heart ‘sees’, intuits [Reality] beyond falsity. But, here we must be Read More