Spring Fling During This COVID Thing

In 1933 Irving Berlin wrote and published the song “Easter Parade”. Fifteen years later Judy Garland starred in a movie of the same name. The themes of these involved dressing up in a fancy frilled bonnet and being part of a procession in the streets to celebrate! I remember in my childhood how spring, Easter and bonnets were all tied together. Church was a very important part of every week as this is where we had rummage sales, CGIT, choir Read More

COVID Prevention Alternative to Vaccines

The massive global effort to get COVID vaccines used plays on fears of getting the disease, despite the fact that they are experimental. Meaning that they have not gone through the rigorous, time-consuming and expensive randomized clinical trials that so many experts say is the gold standard for evaluating drugs. This absence was used by the government to condemn and block the use of generic medicines, namely hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin. Vaccine testing and regulatory approval have been rushed. Missing from Read More