Parenting During Covid

The real victims and long term damage caused by governments decision to shut down the world is the children. The kids of today are the future adults who will run this world in another 10 or 20 years need help, and so I want to offer my experience and knowledge of decades of study and mentoring kids and adults, because the innocent victims of the foolish actions of the governments, and their parents are going crazy not knowing what to Read More

Disadvantage of Using Credit Cards To Pay For COVID-19 Medical Bills

Insurers are waiving out of pocket costs for COVID-19 diagnostic testing and some are also waiving visit costs associated with testing. It is imperative you check with your insurance and keep abreast of state to federal changes for the exact tests or services that will be waived and through what time period. However, you could still incur substantial medical bills if you require treatment for COVID-19 so keep up to date with healthcare policy design surrounding out of pocket costs Read More