Yet More About COVID-19

Coronavirus are a type of virus which causes common colds, but can also cause more serious diseases such as SARS, MERS, or COVID – 19. The virus is only about 0.025 µm in diameter, far smaller than the human eye can see even with the best optical microscope. In comparison, a fine human hair is about 40 µm in diameter. When people talk, cough, or sneeze they eject small droplets which vary greatly in size but the average is about Read More

Keeping Our Small Business Afloat During Covid

Although many small businesses are able to thrive during these times, most are just surviving through this Covid Pandemic. I spend less time processing orders… and more time, applying for grants. And though I definitely have more time to get those “rainy day” jobs completed… it seems my ambition to do them faded along with the ability to shake hands. Like everything else, the year 2020 didn’t adhere to our typical sales cycle with anticipated seasonal and holiday ups and Read More