Parenting During Covid, The Method Of Finding A New Path

This article continues on the article entitled Parenting During Covid with more details about how to get children away from the video games and into a more productive and happy life. This article will help a lot of adults too. In the section THE CHILD’S POINT OF VIEW, I explained how the child will feel and what their thoughts are, even if they do not realize it because it comes from the core nature of being human rather than the Read More

How To Earn Money From Podcasting During COVID

Many people are hurting right now. This nation (and the world) have been negatively impacted by this COVID-19 pandemic. Many people have lost their sources of income. Others have lost their homes. Still others have lost their savings trying to stay in their homes and keep going until things “get back to normal.” Being cut off from normal in person relationships, whether it is at the office or out social with friends, is having detrimental effects on our society. People Read More