COVID-19 A Transformation

In this period of turmoil when the world is facing the pandemic of covid19, life seems to be in topsy-turvy. Panic, terror, uncertainty, and despair are the biggest monsters hovering above the heads of everyone, trying to strangle the life out of them. However, despite the horrific presence of these demons there appears to be a ray of hope among the people and that shaft of light illuminates itself in the form of a positive attitude adopted by all of Read More

Help Your Relationship Survive COVID-19

Was it really a surprise to learn that over 80 couples filed for divorce immediately upon leaving lockdown in China? Being together 24/7 is something we rarely experience for any significant period of time, perhaps only at Christmas or on holiday, and then there are usually external distractions. So, in these extraordinary times, let’s consider ways to help your relationship survive COVID-19 – Accept that there will be both up and down days. Everyone has been affected by this pandemic. Read More