Life in the Workplace, Post-Covid

Following the COVID pandemic, as many states navigate from red zone to yellow zone, many will re-assimilate to their previous office space, warehouse, restaurant, etc. While some will return (thankfully) with a new attitude and positive outlook on life, there will be others who will bring their same-old negative traits. What to do? NOW is a great time to ‘nip those issues in the bud,’ as the saying goes. Face them head-on, without hesitation. To be sure, it would be Read More

Is My Dog Safe From COVID-19?

Although 3 dogs have been known to test positive in China for Coronavirous or COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Centre of Disease Control (CDC) state it is very unlikely that you and your dog would cross contaminate each other with COVID-19. The dogs that tested positive in China were thought to have been exposed to very high concentrations of viral contaminants to have the detectable level that they did. You may have noticed on your dog’s vaccine Read More