Can Italy Attract Tourism Again in 2020 After the COVID-19 Outbreak?

It has recently been exciting to experience Italy, to listen to the news reports and to hear Italians make plans for opening up their businesses in addition to mapping out their summer vacations. After having been at home so long, few would like to have a ‘staycation’. At this point, most people are already looking optimistically forward to summer, thinking about whether it would be best to go to the sea or the mountains this August. Moreover, the government is Read More

COVID-19 Offers Surprising Opportunities for Successful Projects

At the end of this article executives, business and project owners will, hopefully, realize, because they are looking at COVID-19 and seeing only the negatives, they may be missing opportunities. Never Ending Change: the COVID-19 Opportunity One thing you can count on is the need for change. COVID-19 has made truer than any time in history. Whether it’s a change in behaviors, worker and customer protections, operating hours, cleaning and disinfecting procedures, the number of employees working or customers being Read More