How Depression Affects School Performance

When a teen is failing or doing poorly in school, parents may react with understandable frustration and try all sorts of strategies, from bribery to punishment, to get their teen to turn things around. When all things fail, tension rises and everyone becomes exasperated and at a loss to figure out the cause – and a cure – of the problems at school. Depression, and not willfulness or laziness. Approximately 4% to 12% of school-aged children (depending upon their age) Read More

Depression Help is in Your Own Hands, Can You Grasp It?

Depression Help can seem like the relief of a lifetime. Nearly 15 million Americans each year are affected by a serious illness called depression. It’s a proven illness. It’s not a reflection on the personal attributes of the patient despite it being a mental illness. Depression can affect anyone. There’s no logic to its onset. It can strike the rich or the poor. It takes no race into consideration. The fact that you are suffering from this disease does not Read More