Depression In Adults

Depression has become very common among the adults. Depression may occur in three levels which includes; mild depression, moderate depression as well as severe depression. Research has shown that one in every four women and one in every ten men will suffer from depression at some time in their lives. There are many symptoms that are associated with depression in adult such as; loneliness, suicidal thoughts, loss of appetite, loss of sleep, low energy, persistent sadness and so on. The Read More

How to Deal with Depression When Mourning the Death of a Loved One

Are you filled with despair and emptiness? Has life lost its meaning for you, and no one could possibly understand your feelings? Do you believe there is no future without your loved one? It is likely, if you are feeling this way that you are suffering from what is often called normal reactive depression. You are down and reacting because something or someone you cherish is gone. We are not talking here about clinical or biochemical depression, although reactive depression Read More